Before I start this real content of this post, I would first like to talk about the Storyboard that I completed roughly two weeks ago, as I did not cover it in my last post. My class was required to create a storyboard, and I was rather proud of mine. My storyboard was titled "Mowing Down the Competition," and I had gotten the idea from my father observing how our two neighbors kept mowing their lawn every other day, prompting him to jokingly state that they were rivals in a competition. I found his observation to be rather funny, and I used that as the basis of my storyboard. The final storyboard told the story of two neighbors competing to determine who is more skilled at landscaping their lawn, with the intent of it to be a grounded comedy. I used stock photos, but I am hoping that I can take my own next time.
Now, I shall get to the real reason for this post: what I learned this week in my classes. In the two classes I took, I had learned about the exact purpose for this blog that I am posting on right at this very moment. I have learned in greater detail of the components that I will need to submit to my blog and how I need to construct them. I need to construct a portfolio using this blog, which will house my film opening and a critical reflection of my film opening, among other things. Yes, I have chosen to complete a film opening for my final test. As previously stated, I am a huge fan a cinema and love watching, analyzing, and talking about movies. The fact that I am going to be making an opening to a movie, no matter how amateur it may be, is very overwhelming, but also very exciting for me. I hope the knowledge that I gain during the production of this film will stick with me as I further strive to enhance my career in the film industry.
I also learned about case studies last week. These interest me, since they are not necessarily about a film, but the studio behind them and how they pull the strings that they do to mold a movie in a certain way that they want to. Once again, this is kind of overwhelming, as it appears to be a lot of work, but I am excited nonetheless. I am positive that we will learn more about case studies in the near future, but I will just have to wait and see. I look forward to both the upcoming classes and future updates on this website. Excited changes will soon be made, and I will address them in future updates. I cannot wait to get back to my computer and type again next week.